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Books/Book Chapters
- Karnes HT: “Validation and Control of Bioanalytical Methods,” In: Figg WD, McLeod H, editors. Handbook of Anti-Cancer Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics–Cancer Drug Discovery and Development Series, New Jersey: Humana Press; 91-111, 2004.
Recent Publications
- Shah KA and Karnes HT: “A Review of the Analysis of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines in Biological Matrices”, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 40(4): 305-327, 2010.
- McKinney DL, Davies BD, Gogova M, Ramakrishnan V, Fisher K, Carter H, Karnes HT, Garnett WR, Iyer SS, Somani AA, Kobal G and Barr WH: “Rapid Automated Blood Sampling System for Pharmacokinetic Studies of Cigarette Smoking”, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 12(4): 319-325, 2010.
- Shah KA and Karnes HT: “A Proposed "Fixed" Range Decision Criteria for Transfer of Bioanalytical Methods”, Journal of Chromatography B, 877: 2270-2274, 2009.
- Shah KA, Halquist MS and Karnes HT: “A Modified Method for Determination of Tobacco Specific Nitrosamine 4-(Methyonitrosoamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1 Butanol in Urine by Solid Phase Extraction Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer and Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry”, J Chromatography B, 877(14-15): 1575-1582, 2009.